The ThreeUnion Reunion
THE EVENT: The ThreeUnion Reunion was the combined 40th reunion for Brookstone,
Columbus, and Hardaway. The reunion took place Friday, April 24th and Saturday, April 25th with over 300 attending.
THE HIGHLIGHTS: The fun kicked off Friday night with “Friday Night at the Farm,” held at the family farm of Jack and Ernie Wright (Hardaway Class of 1974). The guests enjoyed dinner provided by Burt’s Butcher Shoppe and danced to the tunes of local band, The Pine Beetles, while enjoying the company of friends. Saturday night the “Saturday Night Rendezvous at the River” was held. Despite the weather causing the fun to be diverted from the Historic 14th Street Pedestrian Bridge to the parking garage, guests still enjoyed delicious food from Country’s along with music by the legendary Tams.